Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sprint 2 Started

The first sprint was aborted because of sucessive delays(maybe a topic of another post), Sprint 2 was better planned to avoid this kind of problem.
  • Planning: 12/08/2007
  • Sprint Start: 12/09/2007
  • Sprint End: 12/22/2007
  • Planned Backlog Itens:
    1. Prepare Infrastructure.
    2. As an administrator, I want to add a product and it will have e backlog.
    3. As an user, I want a product and its sprint backlog visible on the screen.
  • Planned meetings with the client
    1. 12/05/2007
    2. 12/12/2007
    3. 12/19/2007
Artifact Delivery Date
Test Stories Document (version 1: revised) 12/12/2007
Quality Assurance Plan(draft 1) 12/13/2007
Data Model(draft 1) 12/12/2007
FireScrum alpha 1 12/20/2007

We are keeping our user stories(while FireScrum isn't ready) in Rally community version.

Current Burn Down:

Saturday, December 1, 2007

First lines of code!

Today we started coding and the high-level architecture was created, you can check it in our svn at https://firescrum.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/firescrum.

Friday, November 30, 2007

First meeting with our client: 11/28/2007

Hello all,

Thursday was our first meeting with our client, Izabella. It was a very productive chat. Some topics:
  • Izabella suggestions:
    • Metrics proposal: Quantity of Business values acomplished.
    • The system must store all the history of the task and their information.
    • It's very important maintain rastreability, storing the relation between tasks (i.e.: This task was splited and created these two tasks).
    • Videoconference and Chat capabilities to support meetings.
    • Dynamic zoom, showing always all tasks on the screen.
    • Choose Product Backlog Items that must be showed in the screen.
  • Another considerations:
    • Izabella said that the information of the Sprint progress in the main screen(taskboard) is a good idea. She also pointed that the tendency curve is a very trick thing to do, because it's hard to estimate the ending date of the in-progress tasks. One way to do that is to consider that only a part of it will be done on time. Another way is getting the history of the team and verify how many task are finished by day.
    • One of te topics was agile testing, this will be evaluated if we can use it in our process.
    • A non-linear numeric sequence can be used to estimate the time-to-solve of the task.
Some of this ideas and others showed up in a brainstorm that we have last last week. This brainstorm was part of a product design process called xdm. I hope we can post the result soon.

Any comments or suggestion? just send us.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Is it working?


The title of this post is a very frequenty question that we hear when showing these proposals for the virtual taskboard:
Proposal 1: This is a more compact proposal, that would fit better on the computer screen. The task status is defined by the color of the task.

Proposal 2: This proposal is more like the real taskboard
that everybody knows and love.

A very simple prototype, using Flex is avalible here. Hope you like it.

Extending "And who are you guys?" Section

The wikipage of FireScrum has a section called "And who are you guys?" that has a (very small) presentation of team behind FireScrum.
Some extra information to everyone:

At the begining we were:
This is the core team of FIRE software factory and the ones responsible for developing the application. But we aren't alone:
  • Izabella Lyra - Accepted to act like a client and share all her experience and knowledge of software management and agile development.
  • Paulo Pereira & Ana Sofia - Would like to participate as users and give ideas for features and the visual interface.
  • Cynthia Belleza - Usability engineer that is conducting a research with several SCRUM teams to define the design of the application.
  • Tim Porter - Revising my poor english.
If you want to help feel free to send us your thoughts.

It's Alive!

Hello all,
This is the first post of many(hopefully), they will describe the evolution of the FireScrum project. FireScrum is a open-source web-based SCRUM project management system.

More information at the wikipage of the project.

Soon we will have more posts with more informations.
