Thursday was our first meeting with our client, Izabella. It was a very productive chat. Some topics:
- Izabella suggestions:
- Metrics proposal: Quantity of Business values acomplished.
- The system must store all the history of the task and their information.
- It's very important maintain rastreability, storing the relation between tasks (i.e.: This task was splited and created these two tasks).
- Videoconference and Chat capabilities to support meetings.
- Dynamic zoom, showing always all tasks on the screen.
- Choose Product Backlog Items that must be showed in the screen.
- Another considerations:
- Izabella said that the information of the Sprint progress in the main screen(taskboard) is a good idea. She also pointed that the tendency curve is a very trick thing to do, because it's hard to estimate the ending date of the in-progress tasks. One way to do that is to consider that only a part of it will be done on time. Another way is getting the history of the team and verify how many task are finished by day.
- One of te topics was agile testing, this will be evaluated if we can use it in our process.
- A non-linear numeric sequence can be used to estimate the time-to-solve of the task.
Any comments or suggestion? just send us.